Weight loss Stop smoking Anxiety Self esteem Phobias Dove TLC Dorset logo Dorset General Hypnotherapy logo Validated practicioner logo Depression Caring, professional hypnotherapy  and counselling in Dorchester Virtual gastric band

“The best spent hour of my life”  

Mr D, from Weymouth

“Thank you for showing me its OK to be myself”

Mrs L, from Dorchester

“Thanks for turning my life around when everything seemed lost”

A Client

“Thank you for your patience and support and for believing in me”

A Client

“Give it a go, its well worth trying”

Mrs W, from Weymouth

It (the course) gave me the confidence that I could give up smoking. Give it a try –you have nothing to lose, only gain, just a very big thank you”

Mrs O, from Weymouth

“Excellent, calm approach, reassurance..do it!”

Ms N, from Weymouth

Testimonies People